United World

Speak about these subjects and more => Economics => Topic started by: admin on October 07, 2008, 10:52:24 PM

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Title: Credit Crunch, high payed greedy bankers plunge world in meltdown
Post by: admin on October 07, 2008, 10:52:24 PM
Credit Crunch, high payed greedy bankers plunge world in meltdown.

The end of free market capitalism !



George Bush starts creditcrunch in 2002, the president who made the world less safe
and let it plunge into recession and depression. THX George !!!

BTW, the war in Irak costs the American taxpayer 40 billion a year, while the Iraqi's make 80 billion a year off oil, why not let them pay for it?

Democracy or Corporate Despotism? (again)

Better Cooperatism instead of Corporatism!(capitalism)
Capitalism(USA), communism(China) or socialism(cuba) is when a small (corrupt) selfproclaimed elite is making the choices for all , and the rich get richer and the poor
get poorer.
Cooperatism best example is the Dutch RAbobank, the one bank who hasd a TripleA rating, the customers are its members(shareholders)and has felt no effect of the creditcrunch.
Cooperatism can be done in public services and also in local/regional/national democracy.
That's real democracy!


See also the Michael Moore (http://www.tripleabooks.com/cgi-bin/apf4/amazon_products_feed.cgi?locale=us&Operation=ItemSearch&Keywords=Michael+Moore&SearchIndex=Blended): The Corporation and others and
Naomi Klein (http://www.tripleabooks.com/cgi-bin/apf4/amazon_products_feed.cgi?locale=us&Operation=ItemSearch&Keywords=Naomi+Klein&SearchIndex=Blended)  : NO LOGO


What really rules the world: MONEY!
http://thezeitgeistmovement.com (http://thezeitgeistmovement.com)


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