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[1] United Nations Investigators Accuse ISIS of Genocide Over Attacks on Yazidis - New York Times

[2] Isis militants blow up 4th-century Christian Mar Behnam monastery in Iraq - The Independent

[3] Isis destroys historic Christian and Muslim shrines in northern Iraq - The Guardian

[4] Petraeus: Iran, Shiite Militias Bigger Threat To Iraq Than ISIS - NPR (blog)

[5] Yemen, Tunisia, Boko Haram, Libya, Syria, Iraq: ISIS' explosive expansion - fox6now.com

[6] United Nations Investigators Accuse ISIS of Genocide Over Attacks on Yazidis - New York Times

[7] Isis militants blow up 4th-century Christian Mar Behnam monastery in Iraq - The Independent

[8] Isis destroys historic Christian and Muslim shrines in northern Iraq - The Guardian

[9] Petraeus: Iran, Shiite Militias Bigger Threat To Iraq Than ISIS - NPR (blog)


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